Monday, May 6, 2013

Another five years

Assalamualaikum, Salam sejahtera.

Baru nampak cahaya. Dua minggu ne aku duk serabut pasal PRU. How this one party condemn the other one, yang ne cakap hak ne racist. Yang sekor lagi cakap yang ne tak telus (lantak pi hangpa la). And akhirnya  Barisan Nasional menang jugakk ! :) Gembira, senang hati, semua pun ada.

This is funny things about Malaysian.

1. They ask for indelible ink for this PRU so that there is no such things as pengundi hantu and so that people cannot cast their vote twice. Yang kelakarnya, when the government give what they ask for,then suddenly they said that government waste rakyat's money and how useless that ink was (sebab tak kekal). Yang pelik, the ink hilang dekat opposition's hand je. Yang opt for BN kekal elok. Idk what they do with their hand, and how much effort they put to make the ink go away, (since aku dengar ada yang duk try tanggalkan pakai clorox), don't you think it is useless? Daki yang dah 10 tahun kau bela pun boleh tanggal kalau duk sental pakai clorox bro. kelakar la y'olls ne.

2. Since I have no source to keep me updated with the latest result, I keep on scrolling my Twitter timeline. Di sini lah kita nak tengok how kelakar some of my friends yang suddenly becoming ustaz express. Suddenly ask those who opt for the opposition's side to stay calm and not mocking each other. Sedangkan sebelum ne berapi dia duk kutuk2 haaa. Ask for the blessings from Allah and all, but the previous tweet does not reflect what her said. Ask for forgiveness from all who butthurted with her tweet, then the next one keep on provoking. TEHELL BRO? Toying with my feeling ah? Baru nak sejuk hati, then make my blood rise to the head.. again? pfftt -..-

3. Early assumption. Tu je yang aku boleh cakap pasal opposition for this year election. They are making too many assumptions that next killing them silently. Since it seems so many people have their back, then they ASSUMED that they can win. Here's the thing. I take the nearest example that I can see, Dalam group fb CFSIIUM. Those who are sembang kencang how PR should win, why we should choose them, are those who are NOT EVEN CAN VOTE yet. So they seems strong, but they are useless. Strong ultras only cannot ensure your victory okeh. Mark that.

4. BN is not in a very safe place winning and I can see that DAP is making a very big leap this time. Some of us, Malay see this as a threat (same goes to me haha -.-v). When people show their  concern towards this issue, then here come another tunjuk baik Malay that claim how racist we are and all. Can't you see that Chinese also being racist towards us? TAK NAMPAK KE HOW WE MALAY LINTANG PUKANG HERE AND THERE, AND HOW CHINESE BECOMING STRONGER EACH DAY? (racist me).  

To point out what I can see lack in this general election is too many. Ni tak cerita lagi how some of us kena tahan mengundi by the opposition's volunteer sebab they were suspected as 'the phantom' of election just because they have that 'foreigners' look'. Sumpah kalau aku jadi dorang, memang offended lvl 99999999! Opposition ne tak kurang pentingnya. Nak pastikan yang government tak buat sesuka hati and at least government tahu nak ambil hati rakyat. It is your job as the opposition to keep on provoke so that government can see that now their Rakyat have brain and we observe where our money go, and what our rights are. And I thank you for that. So, tak payah nak butthurt sangat kalau kalah pun. Your objective dah tercapai, Government dah nampak rakyat. You've given the Government all shakes and pushes that they need to keep serving rakyat better. Nah, Sila click dekat link bawah ne okay. Saje nak tunjuk yang dakwat tu kekal. Kekal tak bermakna tak turun warna okeh ;) Enjoice rakyat jelata! 


Another five years, May Allah bless Malaysia :)

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